Extended abstract submission |
15 December,
2008 |
Information to Authors on
abstract acceptation and format of presentation |
25 February,
2009 |
Tentative Program |
01 April, 2009 |
Early registration and hotel
reservation |
01 May, 2009 |
Paper submission |
01 July, 2009 |
SHS-2009 |
6-11 July 2009 |


Multi Rest House hotel
HOTEL VENUE and official symposium Hotel!
The Symposium will be held in
Multi Rest House
hotel complex that is located in Tsakhkadzor.
Tsakhkadzor, (in Armenian the word means Gorge of
Flowers) is located in Kotayk region, Republic of Armenia.
The distance from Yerevan, the capital of the Republic is
60km, and from "Zvartnots" International airport-75km. The
city spreads out on the Eastern slop of Teghenis Mountain
and has 1850m height above the sea level. Please see more information click